Frankenstein by Mary Shelly

Frankenstein by Mary Shelly

Jul 14, 2023


"Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley is a literary classic that has captivated readers for over two centuries. First published in 1818, this novel remains a cornerstone of both science fiction and gothic literature. Shelley's exploration of the human condition, the ethics of scientific discovery, and the consequences of unchecked ambition continues to resonate with audiences to this day. This review delves into the enduring strengths of "Frankenstein," focusing on its thought-provoking themes, well-drawn characters, and the novel's lasting impact on the genre.

Thought-Provoking Themes:

"Frankenstein" is a novel rich with thought-provoking themes, and one of its central concerns is the hubris of scientific discovery. Victor Frankenstein, the novel's protagonist, embarks on a quest to conquer death by creating life through unnatural means. This theme of the Promethean pursuit of knowledge and the quest to transcend the boundaries of human understanding explores the potential dangers of scientific ambition.

Shelley raises profound questions about the moral and ethical implications of scientific creation. The novel grapples with the idea that with great knowledge comes great responsibility, as Victor Frankenstein's creation, the Creature, becomes a symbol of his unchecked scientific curiosity. The narrative serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of playing god and the moral dilemma of creators in relation to their creations.

Another theme that resonates throughout "Frankenstein" is the exploration of isolation and the quest for companionship. The Creature, abandoned by his creator and shunned by society, longs for acceptance and human connection. This theme highlights the human desire for companionship and the tragic consequences of loneliness and rejection. Shelley's portrayal of the Creature's emotional struggles and isolation is a poignant exploration of the human condition.

Well-Drawn Characters:

One of the enduring strengths of "Frankenstein" lies in its well-drawn characters. Victor Frankenstein, a passionate and ambitious scientist, is a character both driven and flawed. His obsession with creating life and his subsequent abandonment of his creation exemplify the consequences of unchecked ambition. As the novel progresses, Victor's character undergoes a transformation from the hopeful young scientist to a tormented and guilt-ridden individual.

The Creature, often mistakenly referred to as Frankenstein, is a character of great complexity and depth. He is initially a tabula rasa, an innocent creature seeking acceptance and love. The Creature's journey, from his initial innocence to his eventual descent into vengeance, raises questions about the nature of evil and the role of society in shaping an individual's behavior. Shelley's portrayal of the Creature is a testament to her ability to craft empathetic and multi-faceted characters.

The supporting characters, such as Victor's friend Henry Clerval and his fiancée Elizabeth, contribute to the novel's depth and complexity. Their interactions with Victor and the Creature provide a broader perspective on the moral and ethical dilemmas central to the story.

Narrative Structure and Style:

Mary Shelley's narrative style is both captivating and atmospheric. The novel is framed as a series of letters and stories within stories, creating a sense of depth and authenticity. The use of multiple narrators allows for different perspectives on the events of the novel, adding layers to the narrative.

Shelley's descriptive prose paints vivid images of the novel's settings, from the majestic beauty of the Swiss Alps to the bleak isolation of the Arctic wasteland. Her ability to evoke both the grandeur of nature and the emotional turmoil of her characters is a testament to her literary skill.

The epistolary style, with its personal letters and journal entries, draws readers into the inner thoughts and emotions of the characters. This narrative approach invites readers to explore the moral and emotional dilemmas that shape the characters' decisions.

Enduring Impact:

"Frankenstein" is a novel that has left an indelible mark on the literary world and popular culture. It is often cited as the foundational work of science fiction and has influenced countless authors, filmmakers, and artists. The novel's exploration of scientific ethics and the consequences of human creation has continued to spark discussions on the ethical boundaries of scientific and technological advancements.

The character of Frankenstein's Creature has become an enduring symbol of the misunderstood and outcast, inspiring adaptations and reinterpretations in literature, film, and other art forms. Shelley's novel laid the groundwork for a subgenre of science fiction focused on the consequences of playing with the forces of life and death.


"Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley is a timeless and thought-provoking masterpiece that continues to captivate and challenge readers. Its exploration of scientific ambition, the moral and ethical dilemmas of creation, and the tragic consequences of unchecked ambition make it a novel of enduring significance.

The well-drawn characters, particularly Victor Frankenstein and the Creature, contribute to the novel's depth and emotional resonance. Mary Shelley's narrative style and descriptive prose create an atmospheric and immersive reading experience.

"Frankenstein" is a classic that not only shaped the science fiction genre but also left an enduring impact on literature, philosophy, and discussions of morality and ethics. It stands as a testament to the power of a well-crafted story to explore profound and timeless themes. If you haven't yet experienced the literary journey of "Frankenstein," it is a must-read that will challenge your thinking and leave a lasting impression.