Obscene Folklore by Mer Whinery

Obscene Folklore by Mer Whinery

Jul 16, 2024

Mer Whinery’s “Obscene Folklore”, a collection full of grotesque and American rural tales does not disappoint. The book is a visceral exploration of the dark side of folklore, presenting some stories that are both fascinating and terrifying. Richly atmospheric and unstintingly graphic, Whinery depicts a tapestry of rich local folktales with such vivid imagery that it left me sleepless for a night.

The landscapes in which the book is set are those found in southern parts of America especially Oklahoma where Whinery comes from. Far from being just an idle background, this place has proven to be a fully fledged character on its own, soaked in creepy elusive atmosphere typical for deserted small towns or lonely country fields. The oppressive heat is felt through some of Whinery’s prose, rustling cornfields can be heard, rundown buildings sheltering unspeakable horrors can be seen.

One of the things that stands out most about “Obscene Folklore” is how Whinery merges his work with both supernatural elements and psychological aspects to bring forth storytelling that elicits fear at a primal level. More often than not his storytelling features fantastic characters such as ghosts, demons or even beings from different worlds but these are enmeshed together with human fear and trauma. In fact it creates horror that goes beyond the story’s end; because Whinery’s monsters are also reflections on the cruelty of humanity as much as they are about people’s psychological depths themselves.

Once I started this book I found it almost impossible to put it down and found myself up way past my bedtime caught in the clutches of Whinery's prose. I look forward to reading other stories by this author in the future.

You can learn more and pick up your copy on at: https://www.watertowerhill.com/product-page/obscene-folklore-by-mer-whinery-paperback